Three Reasons to Go Analog
1) To get away from screens. Being in front of a screen, for me at least, increasingly feels like work. Several months ago I began observing Screen-Free Saturday. It was astonishing how often I started to reach for my phone to look things up. So I meditated deeply on why I felt I needed to know some non-urgent, non-emergency things right away… and I said, “Because I just do,” and then I set up paper notebooks with things I routinely looked up on my phone, like how to cook sausage links on the stovetop, because I always forget how to do that. Now I can cook sausage on Screen-free Saturdays, without looking it up on my phone.
2) When (not if) something happens to me, my family members will be able to access certain information much more quickly with a good paper-based system. If we all shared apps, that might be different. But…. we don’t.
3) Fountain pens are fun. So are typewriters and notebooks and index cards. And so are file sorters and date stamps.