I’m so excited to be giving a talk tomorrow (Saturday, May 20) at micro.camp!
Today, I’m making big edits to a handout to go with my talk.
Many people (including me) get useful ideas while taking a shower. However, they are not easy to remember once you leave the shower to go about your day.
I’ve also been told that it’s not cool to track wet foot prints all over the hardwood floors, while tossing cabinets for a pen and notebook. (While hoping you won’t forget your idea, while you look for something to write it down with.)
So here’s the solution to saving the floorboards, household harmony, and your brilliant ideas :
‘Rite in the Rain’ notebooks were originally designed for biologists to write field notes in any weather, but this all-weather notebook and all-weather pen absolutely will work for writing down your brilliant ideas while you’re in the shower.
And now I need to consult my shower notebook, and revise tomorrow’s handout.
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